
身為一個非常新的슈주 Fans

as a latest fan of 슈주


i've to complain somthing.....

這個出道快要滿四年的團體 要ratraper(趕上)的進度也太多了吧!!!!!

this group which almost debut 4 years, there're so many infos to follow!


光是圖片 團體照就一堆

first, there's lots of pics as group


then each member has their own fans

一場活動的照片就要X13 才有可能完整收集

that means, u've to collect a event X13 to complete

但如果你只鐘愛一隻  收集個人照當然也可以

but if u only love one of them, it's ok to keep only one's pic



接著 是唱過的歌

second, the song they've sang

出了3張專輯 以一般常識來說 應該是3x11/12首歌

generally speaking, a group with 3 albums, they propably have 3x11 or 12 songs


but, you're so WRONG!!!!!!


being a talented gag..."idol" group

除了在電台主持 上遍各大綜藝外 經紀公司還很貼心的幫你出了子團

except being VJs, join in variety shows,

their considered entertainment co. separat them into 4 small groups


so, fortunately the 4 small groups didn't have lots of songs?


then u WRONG AGAIN!!! showbiz isn't so easy

(再加上讓本人中毒的是以슈파 포이수之稱的규현.....)

(plus i was in love with 슈파 포이수 의 규현....)

演唱會的solo曲或現場版 個人身分出的單曲還有OST......etc

personal solo or live ver. in concert and OST.....etc

真是太棒了 身為一個表演活動這麼量產質又精的團體的飯 我實在幸福的都沒時間睡覺了~

SUPERBE!!! as a fans of a group has lots of high quality events

it's so happy even i don't have time to sleep.....


當你一邊在追音樂部分 你還要再追影片

meanwhile, there're amount of film waiting for u

在youtube隨隨便便打個슈파주니오 跑出來的影片量之多

thousands of millions films pop out after u type 슈파주니오 in the search bar in youtube


and u can't stop clicking the sildbar "more films related"...

因為每多看一則影片 你就覺得你更了解他們一點

becuz when u watch one more film, u'll understand them more,

每多看一則影片 除了原本愛的那個 你還會愛上其他的成員

when u watch one more film, except the one u love, u'll love other members,

每多看一個影片 你的睡眠時間就壓縮到只剩下一個小時就必須起床打工.....

when u watch one more film, ur sleep time left an hour then u have to get up n work....

再加上 他們是當紅炸子雞(好俗) 影片正以你想不到的速度增加中.......

in addition, they're hot!! so their films are increasing in a way u can't imagine.....


在此同時 網路上那些零散的資料已經滿足不了新飯想了解他們的欲望

at same time, pieces of infos can't satisfied new fans's desire,

一樣 在google打上슈파주니오 跑出來的論壇數目 多到你無法選擇

so, type 슈파주니오 in google, conutless fanclubs for u to choose

再加上真正有好好經營管理的 通常都要等到特殊日子才有開放

but some famous fanclubs always closed, till some special day to open


(好啦 我知道這些普通的知識+是查得到的)

總之 當你加入第一個 就會有第二個 第三個 為什麼呢?

anyway, when u join ur first fanclub, there'll be second, third....why?

因為每家論壇都有自己的獨家.....為了這些獨家 只好拼了

becuz each fanclub has their

而你的睡眠時間也從一小時 又壓縮到半小時了.....

since then, ur sleep time reduce from an hour to half hour....


可是 當你越了解슈주 你就會知道

but, as you know them more, u'll realize

在他們俊美的外表和開朗的笑容下 每個人都是苦過來的

behind their handsome faces n cute smiles, they've been through lots of hard times

三輯的成功是因為他們真的很努力 進步和成長是很明顯的

3rd album recieved a great succee, it's becuz they really work hard n their progresses are obvious

成員間的感情會讓你感嘆 會讓你想珍惜 守護

u want to cherish n protect the relationship between members

那些眼淚和爭吵 換來的是更堅實的感情

thoses tears n fights turn out to be a strong relationship

那些不愉快和傷心的過去 讓他們更珍惜彼此 像真正的家人

thoses unhappy n sad memories make them become a real family

儘管三輯爆紅 他們沒有大頭症 反而更謙遜 更會要求自己進步

although they're already very popular, they become more humble n keep improving


這樣一個真性情的(噗)團體 我怎麼能夠放棄?

how can i stop loving them?

可以在離他們遙遠的台灣 為了他們的新聞 CY和照片又哭又笑

though we're far away from each other, laughing or cry for their news CY and pics

等著20100220的到來 給你們最美的寶藍海 親眼看看你們在舞台上閃閃發光的樣子

waiting for 20100220 to come  we'll give u the most beautiful shappire sea,

to see all of u sparkling on the stage with my own eyes

(必須要學的語言也多了一種 真是充實)


天呀 好少女喔~(oh my....feeling like 16.....)

슈파주니오 사랑해요~Fighting!!!!!


(규 cute啊~) 090313 in KTR fr 官網



              기범   / 려욱  / 싱돈   / 규현   / 성민 / 한경 / 시원 / 예성 / 강인 / 희철 / 동해  / 은혁  / 이특

090312 3rd album inside


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